Shortage of irrigation and fertilizers results in a negative planting season
Tuesday 31 May 2022
So far in the development of the season (August 2021 - March 2022), more than 1,185,000 hectares of temporary crops have been planted: potatoes, onions, yellow corn and rice. The figure shows a decrease of 1.1% compared to the previous season and a reduction of 12,806 hectares compared to the average of the last 5 seasons. (photo:
In Peru, the 2021/22 planting season will close this July with a contraction as a result of two factors: the shortage of fertilizers and a water problem in some areas of the north of the country, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri).
So far in the development of the season (August 2021 - March 2022), more than 1,185,000 hectares of temporary crops have been planted: potatoes, onions, yellow corn and rice. The figure shows a decrease of 1.1% compared to the previous season and a reduction of 12,806 hectares compared to the average of the last 5 seasons.
There are about 3 months left to close the season, but in this period there is less planting, and as a result the 2021/2022 campaign is almost defined, according to Midagri.
The onion is one of the most affected foods. Of the more than 16,000 hectares installed, only 9,049 hectares were cultivated (+56% compared to the previous season). In 9 of the 19 regions where it is produced, a smaller planted area was observed.
The potato showed a positive behavior until February (+5.4%), during the following months the planting was lower than anticipated.
The areas of starchy corn contracted by 4.2%; and that of hard yellow corn increased 0.9%, due to larger areas in Piura, San Martín, and Madre de Dios.
The area of rice, one of the crops that most needs nitrogenous fertilizers, totaled 13,253 hectares, a decrease of 3.9% due to lower supplies from the regions of Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad, due to the shorter irrigation season and the price of the urea. However, the number of hectares installed in the San Martín region did increase.
Wheat areas, whose sowing is carried out mainly in the Andean zone, contracted by 10.4% until March, compared to the historical average. In this case, it was the climatic factor that influenced the delay of the rains in January and February 2022.