Bio Coherence, a new label more requiring
Friday 16 April 2010
Bio Coherence posts a regulations more demanding than the current organic labels.
A new label for products stemming from the French organic farming is going to make its appearance: bio Coherence.
The founders of Bio Coherence considered that The European organic label is a base, not an outcome.
The new label is more requiring that the European organic label and the French label "AB ". It will be checked by the usual certifying: Ecocert, Certipaq, Agrocert, Quality France and SGS.
Bio Coherence is going to guarantee the respect, by the producer, for the European specifications, and the other additional rules: downright refusal of GMO (while labels European and AB tolerates until 0,9 % of GMO by ingredient), obligation for the farm to be 100 %, organic, animal feed 100 % organic produced mainly in the farm, 100 % of organic ingredients in transformed products (against 95 % for the organic labels European and AB), limitation of antibiotics and antiparasitic.
The national Federation of organic farming (Fnab), Biocoop, Biomonde stores, the organic wholesaler PrioNatura, and the organic Breeders of France met within organic Alternative to throw this new label.
Source: novethic and l’express