Exports of Chilean apples and stones to Peru are renewed
Tuesday 21 May 2024
Peru has resumed imports of apples and pears from Chile (photo: alimente.elconfidencial.com).
Peru has resumed imports of apples and pears from Chile. This decision is the result of several meetings between the Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile (SAG) and the National Agricultural Health Service of Peru (Senasa), as well as the rapid adoption of measures agreed by the exporters, facilitating this bilateral agreement.
Senasa had previously suspended imports after detecting the presence of the pest Cydia molesta, known as "Oriental Moth". In response, Chile implemented a series of preventive and control measures dictated by the SAG, effectively executed by the export sector under the representation of Frutas de Chile.
José Guajardo Reyes, national director of SAG, stated that the success of this reopening is due to the rapid intervention of his service and the continuous communication with Senasa Peru. He also highlighted the efforts of the private sector to comply with the necessary measures to overcome this obstacle.
As of 18 May, the phytosanitary certification processes for the aforementioned species were restarted, as long as the established sanitary requirements are met.
Miguel Canala-Echeverría, general manager of Frutas de Chile, pointed out that the initial closure of the Peruvian market was due to problems in the land transport of fruit, which were resolved thanks to the measures implemented by the SAG. These measures ensure that all fruit inspected is dispatched immediately, highlighting that 73.6% of the fruit exported to Peru is exported by land.
fuente: simfruit.cl