MACFRUT 2019: TABLE GRAPE MEETING will focus on varietal innovation
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Wednesday 20 February 2019
A new MACFRUT Congress dedicated to table grapes, of which Italy is the leading European producer ahead of Greece and Spain.
An international congress entirely devoted to table grapes will take place on the event of the 36th edition of Macfrut (8 to 10 May 2019). Grapes are one of the flagship products of the Fruit & Vegetables sector in Italy and the congress will take stock of the situation of a sector in perpetual change and whose future passes through innovation.
TABLE GRAPE MEETING will take place on Friday May 10, 2019 in Rimini Fiera, and will focus on varietal innovation, from Italian development programs, to new international varieties in production in Italy, to defining new varieties who will reshape the markets. In Italy, for example, in the two main table grape production areas, Apulia and Sicily, the production of seedless grapes has increased enormously: that of Apulia represents 30 to 35% of the total production.
The event will be divided into 2 sessions: in the first part, some of the main Italian actors in the sector will speak on the subject of varietal innovation by bringing their concrete experience and their point of view on future developments; the second part will be a round table with European and international speakers from leading countries in the production and importation of table grapes.
The Congress is open to Italian and foreign producers, buyers, technologists and importers. It is free and will be translated simultaneously into English.