The new device which enables you to grow your own fruit and veg without using soil
United States
Monday 31 August 2009
The Power Plant grows crops without using soil.
Many of us would love to be able to cut down the weekly shopping bill by growing our own food. But with slugs, dirt and physical labour to contend with, not to mention a lack of time, it's often an unrealistic aim.
Now scientists have come up with a solution by inventing a machine which grows crops and flowers without any soil. The Power Plant uses technology invented by Nasa for astronauts to grow fresh fruit and vegetables while in space. Seeds are placed on to a 'grow sponge' and a mains-generated microjet system sprays them with oxygenated, nutrient-rich water.
The device can be used to grow fruits such as strawberries and small vegetables such as beans and peas, and is also perfect for herbs such as basil and coriander. Anthony Freedman, group sales director of Oakthrift Corporation Ltd, which sells the Power Plant, said: 'There is no soil or dirt, no slugs or worms and no need for pest killers or added fertiliser. Weeding is non-existent and bad weather such as frost won't cause damage as it's an indoor machine.
'It can also be used any time of year so seasons become irrelevant. Even the most dreadful gardener couldn't possibly kill off plants in one of these.' The device measures 8in x 6in so it fits on a window sill, though it doesn't require a lot of sunlight. On average, the seeds will germinate in a week and bloom in roughly two months.