Australia peaches production and export forecast for 2009 and 2010
Monday 30 March 2009
Total peach production for year 2010 is forecast at 105,000 MT, down slightly on the previous year.
Industry sources advise that a lack of new tree plantings will likely constrain increases in production for the foreseeable future. Forecast says that the long term trend for peach production declining slightly on an annual basis as older plantings are removed and not adequately replaced due to poor profitability.
The 2009 harvest is almost complete. Its estimate production can be changed downwards to 105,500 MT to account for drought conditions and a continued lack of irrigation water supplies in some districts.
Industry sources advise that the crop was largely unaffected by extremely hot weather conditions in February (which reached record levels in some areas) that arrived too late to damage the crop.
Total peaches and nectarines exports for year 2010 are forecast at 6,000 MT, down slightly on the revised estimate for the previous year.