ANECOOP opens its first sales office in Russia
Anecoop , the number 1 fruit & vegs trader in Spain has recently opened an office in Moscow.
The office has started its operations last september.
During the season 2006 / 2007, Anecoop has sold more than 4.500 tonnes of fresh produce to Russia (including fruits , vegetables and wine), market sais to be the first importer of fruit & veg in the world.
This move follows the increasing activity of Anecoop in Russia, where the cooperative has been trading produce from its 95 members for more than 30 years.
In Russia, 80% of fruit and vegetables consummed are imported ones. Today Russian companies are searching to tie close relations with high volume partners with a wide choice of varieties and calendars.
Anecoop's President , Juan Safont insists on this decisive move within the Russian market:
"Spain produces most of the fruit and vegetable needed by Russian market. Anecoop as the Spanish leader couldn't escape to be physically represented in Russia. This facility will contribute to reinforce a personalised relationship with existing customers and to open new markets."
For Vitaly Valov, new office Manager, the fact that retail chains are expanding is also in favour of Anecoop office opening.
"In Russia, 80% of our customers are retail chains, we needed to offer them the same quality service that we offer ur European customers."
Considering fruit and vegetables, Spanish products have a strong reputation in Russia, thanks to their quality. The best sellers for Anecoop are citrus: oranges, mandarins and lemons. Then come tomatoes, salads, Persimon Kakis,strawberries ...
Anecoop operates through a 16 companies structure all over Europe. Headoffice is in Valencia, Spain. 3 delegations are established in Almeria, Murcia and Sevilla.
Sales office outside Spain:
n France, Anecoop France & International Fruits Service (IFS)
in UK, Fesa U.K
in NL, 4 Fruits Company
in Poland, Anecoop Polska
in Czech Republic, Anecoop Praha.
Russia market is a very prospective market both in terms of high volume potential and high-quality products. Its main partners are Morocco, Egypt, Greece and Turkey.