Vegetables on Russian market in the beginning of June 2007
Friday 08 June 2007
The demand for onions is definitely shifted to the Egyptian fresh one whereas Dutch onions go bit by bit down with the price. Regions of Russia show strong demand for onions, that pushed prices up in the south - to 0,585 US$/kg. But, even more, the demand in week 22 was shown for potatoes. As a result jump in the south to 0,69 US$/kg. Carrots from Israel has got quality problems, mostly due to polyethylene wrapping so the demand was stronger for Dutch one. Old crop cabbage went further down - to 0,58 US$/kg. More or less the same level of prices was for the new crop so the demand shifted towards that cabbage. Tomatoes stayed on 2 US$/kg level. Cucumbers being perishable for storage were effected by extreme hot weather in Moscow - they went down there to 1,15 US$/kg. Local courgettes, egg plants and capsicums start to appear on the market on very high price level but it will undoubtedly go down rather quick as the season is in it's very beginning.