Increase the popularity of avocados outside USA
United States
Monday 05 March 2007
Avocados are much more expensive in the USA than other countries due to the fact that they are grown almost exclusively in California and Florida, and the main potential competitor (Mexico) is banned from three states in the market - Florida, California, and Hawaii. Mexican farmers have argued against the ban, pointing out that not a single shipment has been found to contain pest since the U.S. Department of Agriculture began inspections in 1997. Legitimate pest invasion issues exist as avocado pests originating in Mexico have made their way to California including the persea mite and avocado thrips. These pests have increased pest control costs and made previously relied upon biological control less feasible. Other potentially disastrous pests, including a weevil, remain risks. Another argument is that the lower prices generated by the Mexican and Chilean imports would increase the popularity of avocados outside of California, thereby assuaging the loss of profits due to the new competition. Since the year 2007, Mexican avocados are now permitted in all 50 U.S. States.