Presentation of the wholesale markets declaration in the European Parliament
Sunday 11 November 2018
The representatives of the largest European wholesale markets members of the WUWM (World Union of Wholesale Markets), from 22 EU countries, met in Brussels.
The Presidents and Managing Directors of the largest European wholesale markets and National Federations members of the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM), representing 22 EU countries, met on Tuesday 6th November in Brussels.
This meeting took place on the occasion of the presentation to the Members of the European Parliament of the Joint Statement of European Wholesale Markets expressing their positions on this major sector and key link in the EU's new supply chain.
"Wholesale markets for fresh products, guarantee and transparency instruments in the new Common Agricultural Policy" was the theme of the meeting whose main objective was to present the European declaration signed in Paris on 9th July by the wholesale markets to promote their fundamental role in the food chain and the successful achievement of the next CAP objectives.
source : wuwm org