Production of cranberry in the USA
United States
Thursday 25 October 2007
Wisconsin, the nation's top cranberry-producing state, expects to harvest 3.9 million barrels of the tart fruit this year, more than half the crop produced nationwide. That's followed by Massachusetts at 1.8 million barrels, New Jersey at 520,000 barrels, Oregon at 500,000 and Washington state at 180,000.
The cranberry is one of only three fruits native to North America, along with blueberries and concord grapes.
Generic marketing of cranberries overseas is financed primarily through assessments collected from growers by the Cranberry Marketing Committee on each barrel produced and through grants provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rucier said.
That spending has increased from nearly US$275,000 in 1999 to more than US$1.6 million this year, he said.
Individual companies also promote their own brands. Ocean Spray, which provides 70 percent of the world's cranberries, spends US$45 million a year on television advertising alone, with about one-third of that going overseas, Papadellis said.
In August, the USDA's National Agriculture Statistics Service forecast that the nation's 2007 cranberry crop would be 6.9 million barrels, just 1,000 more than last year, but up 11 percent from 2005.
The cranberry is one of only three fruits native to North America, along with blueberries and concord grapes.
Generic marketing of cranberries overseas is financed primarily through assessments collected from growers by the Cranberry Marketing Committee on each barrel produced and through grants provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rucier said.
That spending has increased from nearly US$275,000 in 1999 to more than US$1.6 million this year, he said.
Individual companies also promote their own brands. Ocean Spray, which provides 70 percent of the world's cranberries, spends US$45 million a year on television advertising alone, with about one-third of that going overseas, Papadellis said.
In August, the USDA's National Agriculture Statistics Service forecast that the nation's 2007 cranberry crop would be 6.9 million barrels, just 1,000 more than last year, but up 11 percent from 2005.