A first historically for the country's exports
Papua New Guinea
Wednesday 25 September 2019
Kaukau is the local name for sweet potatoes (Photo: garamut.wordpress.com).
Papua New Guinea has just exported sweet potatoes for the first time in its history.
The province of Morobe, one of the leading regions of the agricultural sector in the country, made the first sweet potato shipment to Singapore. The volume of this expedition represented 9 tons of sweet potatoes.
"We are exporting sweet potatoes for the first time in the history of Papua New Guinea," said Ginson Saonu, governor of the province.
This export is the result of the program started in February with fertilizer-enriched crops, which allowed the production of high quality sweet potatoes. The partnership that made this first export possible brought together PNG Eden Fertilizer, the government of Morobe province and the local logistics company of Ahi Group of Companies.
source : businessadvantagepng.com, postcourier.com.pg