Jump of +38.61% in volume for banana exports from Cameroon
Tuesday 07 June 2022
Cameroon exported 16,505 tonnes of bananas during the month of May 2022, i.e. +38.61% compared to May 2021 (Photo: actucameroun.com).
Good performance for banana exports from Cameroon which have just recorded an increase of +38.61% in volume compared to the same period last year.
According to local media and data from Assobacam (Association bananières du Cameroun) during the month of May 2022, banana exports totaled 16,505 tonnes, or +38.61% compared to the 11,907 tonnes exported in May 2021 .
The 3 main operators in the country (PHP, CDC, Boh Plantations) have all increased their exported volumes.
After the +27.7% increase observed in April, this new increase in volumes exported in May confirms the analysis of professionals in the sector who forecast an increase in production and exports during the 2nd quarter of 2022.
source : investiraucameroun.com, journalducameroun.com