The variety RED DELICIOUS cedes its N#1 position to GALA
United States
Thursday 15 November 2018
For US APPLE, this year the variety GALA holds the place of No.1 to the variety RED DELICIOUS who occupied it for more than 50 years.
In the United States for more than 50 years, the variety RED DELICIOUS was No. 1 among the apple varieties produced in the country. This year, according to the forecasts of US APPLE ASSOCIATION, this ranking will be modified.
US APPLE ASSOCIATION announced that presumably this year the variety RED DELICIOUS will give way to the GALA variety. The organization's analysis for 2018 production indicates a new ranking of apple varieties: 1- Gala, 2- Red Delicious, 3- Granny Smith, 4- Fuji, 5-Honeycrisp.
This year, production of GALA, measured in units of 42 pounds (19.05 kg) is expected to increase to 52.4 million (49.5 million units in 2017) and production of RED DELICIOUS to 51.7 million (57 , 9 million in 2017).
While demand seems to be slowing in the domestic market, notably due to the increase in the volumes of new varieties that are attracting the attention of consumers, the RED DELICIOUS variety remains important for the export market, where it accounts for half of all US shipments.
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