A dizzying amount of data provided by the FAO
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Wednesday 14 December 2022
The number of calories consumed per person worldwide increased by 9% on average last year, reaching 2,960 per day (Photo: statistical pocketbook 2022).
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, has just published its 'Statistical Pocketbook 2022' which provides figures, graphs and maps relating to food and agriculture.
The Statistical Pocketbook 2022 also contains more than 50 indicators in 17 thematic areas for around 200 countries and provides a wealth of information including:
.More than 4.74 billion hectares of the planet's surface is agricultural land but the global area used for agriculture has decreased by 3% since the year 2000
.World food exports reached USD 1.42 trillion, 3.7 times more since 2000.
.The largest food exporting countries in gross terms are the United States, the Netherlands and China. The largest net exporters, those that export more than they import, were Brazil, Argentina and Spain. The main net importing countries were China, Japan and the United Kingdom.
.The production of fruits and vegetables has grown by about 20%
.The number of calories consumed per person worldwide increased by 9% on average last year, to 2,960 per day. With some disparities: the inhabitants of Europe and North America consumed 3,540 calories per day, the inhabitants of Oceania 3,150 calories per day, the inhabitants of Africa 2,600 calories per day.
Consult the 'Statistical Pocketbook 2022' (138 pages)