The trend is picking up again for banana exports
Wednesday 16 October 2019
In Cameroon the export of bananas records its highest volume since March 2019 (Photo: assobacam com).
In Cameroon banana exports have just recorded their best performance for months with a considerable increase in the volume shipped.
According to the statistics ASSOBACAM (Banana Association of Cameroon) in September 2019 Cameroonian producers exported 18,309 tons of bananas. This is significantly higher than the 12,692 tonnes of bananas exported in August 2019 and the 14,455 tonnes exported in September 2018.
Regarding the exporters, PHP (Plantations du Haut Penja), a local subsidiary of the Fruit Company based in Marseille (France) shipped 16,667 tonnes and Boh Plantations shipped 1,642 tonnes.
source : assobacam com,