Sicasov accompanies developers and users of plant varieties
Sicasov, the French Agricultural company of collective interest on an international scale, gathers breeders and fruit varieties license managers for the promotion of their research work in varietal innovation and defense against counterfeiting, from production to sale.
The improvements of fruit species still require considerable investment to meet the needs of growers, marketers and consumers of fruits with respect to the environment.
The counterfeiting, or usage of protected varieties without financial contribution to research, jeopardises the sustainability of the varietal selection which threatens the whole sector.
La Sicasov was created in 1948 by breeders of fruit varieties and field crop varieties to manage and defend their rights. It provides the main fruit breeders and fruit varieties license managers in Europe with
- its experience to inform and raise the awareness of the fruit sector actors,
- its expertise in fighting against counterfeiting.
These services are available for European breeders and fruit varieties license managers.
Sicasov - 7 rue Coq-Héron-75030 PARIS CEDEX 01 – France
Tél : 01 44 76 88 20 - Site Internet :
Contacts : J.L. Talvaz :
S. Barbieri :