Peruvian avocados conquer the Thai market
Friday 05 July 2019
Peruvian avocados have just been exported for the first time to Thailand.
After 8 years of negotiations between the two countries, Peru's avocados received last May the authorization to enter the Thai market. A first cargo has just arrived in Thailand.
Senasa, the Peruvian National Health Security Service, and the Thai Ministry of Agriculture, attended the phytosanitary certification of the first shipment of avocados to Thailand. This first shipment made by air was intended for the supermarket chain Makro in Thailand.
According to the exporters' association, the main destination of the avocado is Europe with nearly 60% of the total volume, followed by the United States with 25%. Exports to Asia, mainly China and Japan account for almost 10% of the total volume. This year the sector estimates that production will reach 300,000 tonnes of avocados.
source: gestion pe,, andina pe