4th International conference "Berries of Ukraine 2013"
The 4th International conference “Berries of Ukraine 2013” will take place in May in Ukraine. This time the event will be held in Nikolayev city instead of Kiev. Change of places allows to attract more participants from different countries and regions of Ukraine.
This conference will provide all the participants and visitors with an ability to explore Ukrainian berries market and find new partners abroad. The list of the conference attendees includes around 200 companies from more than 8-10 countries of the world (Hungary, Germany, Russia, Turkey…), and local companies from different parts of Ukraine. The participants list is not completed yet.
On 17th of May conference organizers will provide possibility for the participants to see the fields of Polunica.com.ua project. During this time everybody will be able to review the strawberries growing in the open and protected ground with use of the most modern agricultural technologies.
The main topics of the conference will be: forecasts of berries production and prices rate in Ukraine; world and European fresh / frozen berries market; berries import impact on Ukrainian fruit market; export of local berries to other countries; berries growing on the open and protected ground in different parts of Ukraine; investments; berries deep freeze technologies; fruit market prospects; producing of everbearing berries and a lot of other information that could be useful both for local producers and foreign partners.
Procedure for filing an application for participation is the following:
- The application for participation should be sent to fruit.strategy@fruit-inform.com (contact person: Alexandr Khorev +38-067-6343980)
- The application for participation in tour to the fields should be sent to office.polunica.com.ua@gmail.com (contact person: Sergey Velichko +380 66 1317855)
- Discount could be provided if application is sent before 12.04.2013
- Special price for berries producers is 1700 UAH
“Berries of Ukraine 2013” conference promotes development of fruit vegetables business in Ukraine, creates favorable conditions for getting new information regarding agricultural achievements and the latest agricultural production tendencies.