NEPG estimates the harvest of potatoes at 24.5 million tonnes
Monday 28 November 2016
roduction of the five NEPG countries: Belgium (-1.5%), Germany (+ 1.4%), France (-2.3%), the Netherlands (-11.7% , 0%). The area reaches 552,477 hectares and the total yield is 44.4 tons / hectare.
NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) has updated its production figures on the 5 major countries for the potato market.
For 2016, the final harvest is estimated at 24.551 million tonnes, down by 3% from last year and 3.6% from the 5-year average.
These are the gross yield figures. The main reasons for this decrease are the wet and cool conditions in the spring (May-June) followed by hot and (very) dry periods during the summer. The varieties used for processing have suffered particularly this year.
Since the processing capacity has increased sharply in recent years, thanks to the development of the large export of finished products, a certain supply / demand imbalance could be observed. Current prices in the open market and future market developments confirm this trend.
For the upcoming season, early indications of an increase in contract prices for the 2017 crop, mainly due to the continued increase in industrial requirements. Plant availability for next year could be problematic. Bintje variety prices are, for example, much higher than usual.
source : unpt