Scientists evaluated a hand-held Felix-750 spectrophotometer for tomato and pepper
Optimizing fruit and vegetable quality in the field conditions is again becoming the subject of research in the fresh produce industry as new technologies and quality metrics have emerged, which increase consumer acceptance and satisfaction.
Scientists of Plant Sciences and Biological, and Agricultural Engineering Departments, University of California conducted the research "Evaluation of a hand‐held spectrophotometer as an in‐field phenotyping tool for tomato and pepper fruit quality."
They evaluated the Felix-750 hand-held quality spectrophotometer by Felix Instruments as a high- throughput phenotyping (HTPP) tool for assessing fruit quality traits in tomato and pepper for breeding. Products quality traits included pH, soluble solids, carotenoids, and shrinkage of germplasm grown in replicated field trials on split-plots. The researchers employed a multi-faceted approach in their study to evaluate the use of the Felix-750 in a plant-breeding program.
According the results of the study, scientists suggest testing Felix at early stages of evaluating divergent germplasm in a breeding program to make informed decisions about selection of breeding materials, and at later stages of selection between‐ or within‐line and/or family based on fruit quality trait performance.
Click here for a closer examination with the research.
Based on near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, the F-750 Produce Quality Meter is a general device for fresh produce and recommended by scientists for many fruits and vegetables. It can non-destructively measure quality metrics such as dry matter, Total Soluble Solids (TSS or brix), titrable acidity, and color. Accurate, individual readings are genereted rapidly, within 4-6 seconds. A built-in GPS makes mapping fruit trees easy.
A general instrument F-750 has a wide range of applications and can be modeled for specific fruits easily. It portable and can be used by anyone anywhere in the supply chain, from determining optimal harvest timing by assessing fruit maturity, to providing an objective analysis of produce quality of fruit in packing houses and upon import. NIR is user-friendly and does not require special training to operate.
Felix Instruments is focusing on pre- and postharvest applications helps fresh market professionals maximize the value of their products with company’s line of portable Gas Analyzers and NIR Produce Quality Meters.
Full information about Felix Instruments’ products can be found on their website.