A robot to harvest raspberries
United Kingdom
Monday 10 June 2019
The prototype of a new robotic system for harvesting raspberries has just been tested in the field (Photo: Plymouth.ac.uk).
Researchers at the University of Plymouth (U.K.) completed the first field trials of a new robotic raspberry harvesting system. Other tests will take place later in the year and manufacturing for commercialization could begin in 2020.
Fieldwork Robotics was formed to develop and commercialize the work of Dr. Martin Stoelen, a senior lecturer in robotics at the School of Computer Science, Electronics and Mathematics at the University of Plymouth.
The prototype for raspberries has just been tested on a farm in West Sussex. The test data will be used to refine and improve the prototype system, and further field testing will take place later this year. Manufacturing for commercialization could begin in 2020.
The system working with raspberries can easily be adapted to other delicate fruits and vegetables. Researchers have already developed demonstration robots for other crops, following the interest shown by large agribusiness companies.
source : plymouth.ac.uk