Fruit, vegetable, and tuber crops lost in the region of Pasco, Peru
As a result of the severe frost, over 80 hectares of potato, corn, squash, rocoto, peas, granadilla, and other crops were affected in the district of Paucartambo, in the region of Pasco, Peru.
According to local farmers, the frost occurred on June 28, and then, a few days later, due to the strong sun, their crops ended up being lost.
Rómulo Maximiliano Velásquez, the mayor of the district of Paucartambo, pointed out that in the areas of La Victoria, Acopalca, and Bellavista, tubers, fruits, and vegetables were affected. Furthermore, in Milagro, Santa Isabel, and Pampamarca, many fruits have been damaged, particularly granadillas, physalis, tumbo, chirimoya, and others.