Young people are more and more numerous in Italian agriculture
Monday 18 June 2018
Increase in the number of farmers but also increase in the number of students in an educational path related to the land. During the 2017/18 school year there were 45,566, a record number.
Italy is experiencing a return to land by young people (under 35), who are becoming more numerous as farmers. With more than 55 000 agricultural enterprises run by a person under 35, Italy is at the top of the European ranking regarding the presence of young people in agriculture.
According to COLDIRETTI for several years the presence of young people in agriculture is remarkable but progress is increasing. Thus in 2017 there was an extension of surfaces of 6% compared to the previous year, because of the new installations. Aid from European funds and the spread of new technologies have favored this return to the land.
These new farmers use a lot of new technology and internet, 1 out of 4 graduates, 8 out of 10 are accustomed to go abroad which helps them penetrate new markets and export their products. Farms run by these new farmers are larger, their acreage is above 54% of the average, and more active, with a turnover above 75% of the average.
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