DuPont aims to feed the world
United States
Monday 13 February 2012
DuPont products protect fruits and vegetables and can contribute to global food security.
DuPont has announced its objective to reduce world hunger by improving food security.
President Ellen Kullman of DuPont explains that no country or company alone can feed the world but everyone can commit to contribute to this global challenge. The company provides specific and measurable objectives to achieve by the end of 2020 to improve food security:
• Innovation: investment of $10 billion in research and the development of 4000 new products in order to improve production, nutrients and waste reduction.
• Educating youth: 2 million young people to give more
educational opportunities.
• Improve rural communities: improving the livelihoods of at least 3 million farmers and their rural communities through targeted investments.
New products include DuPont Cyazypyr, insecticide (fruits, vegetables); Fontelis, fungicide (apples, pears); Coragen Insecticide (stone fruits, apples, grapes, cabbage, citrus fruits); Altacor, insecticide (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini ).
• Improve rural communities: improving the livelihoods of at least 3 million farmers and their rural communities through targeted investments.
New products include DuPont Cyazypyr, insecticide (fruits, vegetables); Fontelis, fungicide (apples, pears); Coragen Insecticide (stone fruits, apples, grapes, cabbage, citrus fruits); Altacor, insecticide (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini ).