Kiwi Atlántico 25 years old
FJ | Kiwi Atlantico SA
The company Kiwi Atlántico is the first distributor of kiwis in Spain.
On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, the President of the Government of Galicia visited the facilities with company officials. Kiwi Atlántico was founded in 1988 through the consolidation of 30 producers of kiwifruit of Galicia and Asturias regions, the company currently has 70 members and 20 associate producers.
Kiwi Atlántico tightly controls its products and submitted them to complete analysis (Brix degree, fruit firmness, dry material). In an effort of continuous improvement, Kiwi Atlántico presented at the last exhibition Fruit Attraction its new "Etiqueta Negra" (black label), a kiwi of exceptional quality, texture, color and incomparable flavor.
The new harvest has started and is under the best auspices. The sugar rate is very high, the fruit size is larger than in other years.
source : faro de vigo es, originen on line es