Agricultural production will increase by +10 000 tons
Abu Dhabi plans a net increase in agricultural production for next season.
ADFSC (Abu Dhabi Farmers Service Centre), the center of services to farmers in the Emirates, said that agricultural production will reach 38,000 tons of fruits and vegetables for the 2014-15 season.
An increase of +10 000 tons compared to 28,000 tons produced last year. Cucumbers will represent 29% of total production, tomatoes 16%, eggplant 5%, green peppers 4% and cabbage 3%.
This expected increase in production testifies the ongoing efforts undertaken in the Emirates to ensure better food security. While the country imports 70% of its food products, a continuous policy has encouraged local production. Increasing progres in irrigation technology, incentive measures for farmers (a guaranteed minimum price that covers production costs), consumer awareness to prioritize the products of local agriculture.
source : zawya com, gulf news