Spain optimistic at start of vegetable season
Peppers, lettuce, broccoli, artichokes or cauliflowers, among others, are key productions especially for the region of Murcia, where Hortiberia is headquartered. Despite the serious water crisis, the region wish high quality levels for the incoming season.
Hortiberia general manager Fermín Sanchez Navarro has highlighted that “next fall-winter vegetable campaign won’t be much affected by the severe drought that hit the region in the summer. We expect good volumes of production and quality”, he declares.
Sanchez considers that much of the success will have to be favoured by farmers and traders joining forces to plan the crops consistently. “Only this way we will be able to achieve a supply that meet the real market needs, thus avoiding oversupply or undervalued sales”, Hortiberia general manager has stressed.
By converging the supply - Sanchez continues - Murcia will be able to work with the major protagonists of the retail distribution in Europe.
Furthermore, reducing production costs, yielding crops with better added value - quality above all but also food safety - and the promotion and marketing are the “main tools that can grant the survival and success of the Murcian fruit and vegetable sector”.