New export target for Murcia grapes
Tuesday 03 January 2017
he Chinese market, the new target for table grapes from the Murcia region.
After the stone fruits, the region of Murcia (Spain) which is the leader of the Spanish production of table grapes plans to export to China.
A meeting between the regional executive and APOEXPA, the Association of Producers and Exporters of the region, confirmed new intentions for exports. Since last August, China opened its market to Spanish products, the Region of Murcia has already exported stone fruit (100 tons) and is now planning other products. Table grapes could be exported this year.
The region of Murcia is the most important region in the production of table grapes with 95% of the national crops.
APOEXPA is part of FEPEX, the National Federation of Producers and Exporters and chairs the Table Grapes Commission. The association has 30 member companies.
source : laverdad es