Celeriac, novelty in the range Prince de Bretagne
Prince de Bretagne producers now offer celeriac on the fresh market.
Traditional vegetable of the region of Saint-Malon, together with leek, celeriac so far has been mainly used for the industry for its transformation (mashed, 4th range,...). Following the request of several customers, celeriac is now available on the fresh market. The facility of packaging of Terres de St Malo has invested in a line of washing and specific trimming to adapt to the requirements of fresh sales.
That's why Prince de Bretagne now offers celeriac all year around: 250 tons are available. nes sont ainsi disponibles. From July to December, celeriac is harvested at the request. In December, celeriac is harvested, stored in cold rooms and then reworked and packaged at the pace of orders in the following months.
Celery is available in 12 kg wood boxes:
- 10 heads 1.2 kgs
- 12 heads 1 kg.