DE FEO to service Italian tomatoes
Monday 19 May 2003
Tony Bongiovanni, Fructidor's country manager in charge of Italy, reports that the Azienda Agricola DE FEO (Puglia, Province of Foggia, Italy) has set up new
structures for the production of cherry and camonium tomatoes - specialities of the area.
The farm now has 50 hectares of covered production and greenhouses, which makes it possible to guarantee a quality product and a uniformity on the tomatoes and which adds a specific savour of the culture on sandy ground. The forecasts of harvest - which is spread out from half May to the end of November - are 35 000 quintals, that is to say an increase of 30%.
The company DE FEO deposited - in partnership with the consortium TORRE PIETRA (consortium created for the valorisation of the products from the coast that goes from the Mountain of Gargano to Margherita de Savoria and, specific to the culture in sandy ground) - a file to obtain the "A.O.C" label.