Sales of fresh fruit and vegetables fell in Germany
Wednesday 01 February 2023
According to Destatis in 2022 sales in Germany of fresh fruit and vegetables varied by -6.4% compared to 2021 (Photo: twitter/kaufland).
According to official data, in 2022 compared to 2021 consumer prices recorded an increase of +13.4% for all food products, an increase of +10.7% for vegetables and an increase of + 3% for fruit
On the occasion of the Green Week which has just been held in Berlin, Destatis (Federal Statistical Office) announced its data for the year 2022. According to Destatis, sales of fresh fruit and vegetables varied from -6 .4% in 2022 compared to 2021. Compared to the 100 index that Destatis attributed to the year 2021, the month of June was the only month of the year 2022 to have recorded a result higher than this index with regard to sales of fresh fruit and vegetables in large food retailers.
Consumer prices in 2022, compared to 2021, increased by +10.7% for all vegetables, but by +26.2% for cucumbers and +16.9% for tomatoes. Consumer prices increased by +3.0% for all fruits, but by +6.4% for kiwis and melons and by +5.8% for bananas.
For all food products, consumer prices increased by +13.4% in 2022 compared to 2021 which had recorded only +3.2% compared to the previous year.
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