A new broccoli, independent of the seasonality and doubling the production
United Kingdom
Thursday 02 March 2017
A really "gifted" broccoli with a rapid growth that allows several crops per season or year.
A team of British scientists have developed a new variety of broccoli that could revolutionize vegetable growing.
Scientists from the JIC (John Innes Center) with the support of BBSRC developed a fast-growing broccoli, around 8-10 weeks to grow it. The new vegetable has the potential to yield 2 crops per season if the crop is grown in the field, 4-5 crops per year if grown under protected conditions.
This experimental vegetable still has to pass various stages of homologations before being marketed. Its potential, more productivity and less vulnerability to climatic conditions, ensures a real success, in the United Kingdom as elsewhere.
source : jic.ac.uk, edp24.co.uk