Record potato crop in the Ukraine
Wednesday 07 September 2011
Ukraine expects a substantial production of potatoes and will find new destinations for exports.
The harvest of potatoes this year is expected to reach record levels in the Ukraine thanks to favourable weather conditions. This summer professionals feel the excess of potatoes could exceed 1 million tons on the Ukrainian market. Harvests have not yet been completed for late varieties. This excess production should be
for export.
However, this year Russia has also seen strong growth in its production of potatoes. Exports to the EU are complicated by the fact that Ukrainian products do not meet European requirements. Apart from Russia and the EU, export desinations include other CIS countries and emerging markets.
However, this year Russia has also seen strong growth in its production of potatoes. Exports to the EU are complicated by the fact that Ukrainian products do not meet European requirements. Apart from Russia and the EU, export desinations include other CIS countries and emerging markets.
source : potato pro