Vegetable production has increased by 29%
Monday 09 April 2018
Excellent performance for vegetable production (+ 29.2%).
Very satisfactory results for the horticultural production of the country which reached for the 2017/18 campaign a volume of 1,520,191 tons.
DPEE (Directorate of Forecasting and Economic Studies) revealed that the preliminary results of horticultural production for the 2017/18 crop year are 1,520,191 tonnes. That's an increase of 26% compared to the previous campaign. The best performance (+ 29.2%) is recorded in vegetables.
These good results include, potatoes (+ 33.4%), cherry tomatoes (+ 84.6%), tomatoes for the industry (+ 150%). Lower performance for onion production, up just by 1.7% to 400,000 tonnes.
source : fr africatime com