Mazzarrone grapes to conquer foreign markets
Wednesday 23 April 2008
“With the first commercial contracts just signed at the fair, in the coming months our precious varieties of table grapes will land in major European and international markets”, announced in a press conference held at Macfrut Salvatore Accardi, president of the OP ‘Ducezio Uva Regale di Sicilia’, the first Sicilian Producer Organization specialized in the production of PGI table grapes of Mazzarrone.
“With the creation of our OP in September 2007 - Accardi continued - we have taken the first major step towards the revival of the table grape sector. Today, after a careful planning of production and the launching of a campaign to promote our product, we can achieve important goals for the marketing of our table grapes.”
Roberto Ponte, area manager of OP Ducezio, explained the marketing plan of the Sicilian OP, which is based on “three priorities: market segmentation, the creation of high quality brands to high value table grapes and the creation of short and very selective commercial canals with partners who share our choice to favour cultivation techniques with low environmental impact that ensure greater healthiness of the product”.
“In the scenario of an increasingly competitive global fruit and vegetable market” - continued Giuseppe Pappalardo, export area manager of OP Ducezio, “we have identified national and foreign large-scale retail chains as our privileged partners, since we can grant large quantities of product and a large supply calendar which begins in June and lasts until December. Trade agreements just signed will lead the PGI Mazzarrone to distribution chains in France, Austria, Germany and the United States, but we also look with much interest to the Scandinavian Countries, Canada, Dubai and Saudi Arabia”.
“With the creation of our OP in September 2007 - Accardi continued - we have taken the first major step towards the revival of the table grape sector. Today, after a careful planning of production and the launching of a campaign to promote our product, we can achieve important goals for the marketing of our table grapes.”
Roberto Ponte, area manager of OP Ducezio, explained the marketing plan of the Sicilian OP, which is based on “three priorities: market segmentation, the creation of high quality brands to high value table grapes and the creation of short and very selective commercial canals with partners who share our choice to favour cultivation techniques with low environmental impact that ensure greater healthiness of the product”.
“In the scenario of an increasingly competitive global fruit and vegetable market” - continued Giuseppe Pappalardo, export area manager of OP Ducezio, “we have identified national and foreign large-scale retail chains as our privileged partners, since we can grant large quantities of product and a large supply calendar which begins in June and lasts until December. Trade agreements just signed will lead the PGI Mazzarrone to distribution chains in France, Austria, Germany and the United States, but we also look with much interest to the Scandinavian Countries, Canada, Dubai and Saudi Arabia”.