Freshfel wants to boost the consumption of fresh F & V in Europe
Thursday 13 December 2018
FJ | Freshfel Europe
A comprehensive guide and action plan to encourage the consumption of fresh Fruits & Vegetables in Europe.
Throughout this year, Freshfel Europe has developed the joint statement with other agri-food and health stakeholders as part of the European Commission's Thematic Network Series 2018.
The Thematic Network Joint Statement is now open for stakeholder approval. Entitled "Boosting the Consumption of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables for Healthier European Consumers", the Joint Statement presents a set of recommendations based on best practices in several policy areas.
This joint statement consists of two parts: a document presenting the current levels of consumption of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables in Europe and a recommendation document describing 44 action points as well as associated best practices to stimulate the consumption of fresh Fruits & Vegetables. All recommendations are addressed to public and private stakeholders, including government institutions and stakeholders in the health and agri-food sectors in Europe.
Philippe Binard, General Delegate of Freshfel Europe, said: "This is the first comprehensive review of actions likely to boost the consumption of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables. Today, across Europe, the level of daily consumption is well below the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization and by scientists or health professionals, and this must change. Social, economic, environmental, communication and partnership actions are recommended in the joint statement and are aimed at public and private actors in the health sector and the agri-food sector ".
The joint statement is now open for stakeholder approval. Stakeholders have until 25 January 2019 to officially endorse the Joint Declaration, thereby endorsing the provisions and recommendations included in the Joint Statement.
source : freshfel org