The agricultural agreement Morocco-EU could come into effect in 2011
Friday 24 September 2010
The Morocco-EU agreement is going to delete contingents of farm produces what makes protests of the French and Spanish representatives.
The European Commission passed on the agricultural draft agreement with Morocco to the Council of Ministers and to the European Parliament for approval.
If everything takes place without delay, the official signature of the agreement could intervene from April 2011 and come into effect in summer 2011.
Procedure is in progress. The European Commission passed on to the Parliament which has to express its opinion. But the Parliament has the power only to adopt or throw back, and cannot modify contents. Protests of the French and Spanish representatives are expected.
From the approval by the European Parliament, the agreement will be signed by Morocco and EU, at the best in April, 2011. Then he must be ratified by the Moroccan Parliament and come into effect in summer 2011.
Source: economiste