Cuba experiences with seeds of peach trees
Friday 13 April 2007
Cuba experiments with seeds of peach trees, a nontraditional culture in the island. The experience with the plantations that started in 2006 goes well, according to specialists of agriculture. The director of the National Institute of Fundamental Investigations of Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT), Adolph Rodriguez Nodal, showed his satisfaction of the blossoming of the plantations cultivated from the western province of Pine of the River to the Eastern one of Granma. In declarations mentioned by the Agency of National Information (AIN), the director explained that from the first semester of 2006 he indicated that each province seeded one hectare of that fruit tree to create breeding grounds with the seeds. "It is a new experience and it is marching well. From the first hectares, as we are collecting seeds and their propagation, the new culture of peach orchards will be developed", also indicated the head of the National Group of Urban Agriculture. The peach is an exotic fruit in Cuba, where until now it has been a fruit that commercializes in juices and conserves, and as concerns the fresh fruit only small supplies from import is sold in stores of Havana.