Chile to sponsor WorldFood Moscow 2012
Thursday 24 May 2012
MD | ITE Food & Drink
Sponsorship will enable Chile to increase its visibility on the Russian market.
The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association will sponsor the fruit and vegetables WorldFood Moscow 2012.
With this sponsorship, the Association wants to increase its visibility and advance its exports to the Russian market. Chile exports many products already to Russia: apples, apricots, avocados, lemons, kiwi
, nectarines, peaches, plums, grapes and cherries.
The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association represents all the fresh fruit sector. Founded in 1935, the Association currently represents 92% of all Chilean exports of fresh fruit and 50% of the fresh fruit production in the country.
The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association represents all the fresh fruit sector. Founded in 1935, the Association currently represents 92% of all Chilean exports of fresh fruit and 50% of the fresh fruit production in the country.
WorldFood Moscow
17-18-19-20 September 2012