Turkey wants to boost volumes of cherries exported to China
Thursday 24 May 2018
Increasing volumes that will allow Turkey to become one of the main exporters on the Chinese market.
This season the volume of cherries exported to China will increase significantly, Turkish professionals want to increase their market share in the country which is one of the largest consumers in the world.
Aegean Exporters' Association (EIB), the Association of Aegean Exporters, estimates that the volume of cherries exported to China will increase significantly this season. Conditions conducive to production and air shipments for the quality of products will help to boost volumes. According to the association, it is possible to send 50,000 tons of cherries to China, Turkish exporters have this potential.
According to data from TİM (Turkish Exporters' Assembly) the turnover of cherry exports reached $183 million in 2016 and $159 million in 2017. Germany is customer Number 1 with $84 million, followed by Russia with $22 million and the Netherlands with $12 million. Exports to the Far East totaled $2.1 million for Hong Kong, $1 million for Singapore and $400,000 for Malaysia.
source : dailysabah.com