Pineapple is the fastest growing sold fruit
United Kingdom
Wednesday 11 April 2018
According to the retail sector, the demand for pineapple has increased due to the growing popularity of the fruit as a versatile and healthy food.
UK. Pineapple surpassed avocado as the fastest growing fruit, with sales up by nearly 15% last year.
For supermarkets, pineapple is the new favorite of consumers in the UK.
The United Kingdom imported more than 168 000 tonnes of pineapple in 2017 compared with 148 000 tonnes in 2016, an increase of nearly 14%. The fruits come mostly from Costa Rica.
If the growth rate of sales is favorable for pineapple, the total value of sales is less. For the last 12 months, the British spent GBP 175 million on their avocados purchases and GBP 44 million on their pineapple purchases.
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