UCPT invites to visit its sites during the summer
Throughout the summer the UCPT (Union of Cooperatives of Paimpol and Tréguier) invites the public to discover the vegetable industry with:
- Tous les mardis à 10h, visite de la station de conditionnement de Bro Dreger à Camlez- Every Tuesday at 10am, visit the packaging station of Bro Dreger in Camlez
Another event this summer, young farmers UCPT have produced a video clip to discover: http://www.ucpt-paimpol.fr/lip-dub-ucpt
The cooperative collects UCPT producers of fresh vegetables of Côtes d'Armor, between Paimpol and Tréguier. The soil and climate of the north coast of Brittany is a privileged pool for cauliflower, artichoke, Coco of Paimpol, the early potato. To these traditional vegetables were added to other products such as tomatoes (cluster, round, cherry, cocktail, old varieties ...), strawberries, broccoli, a vegetable range (green cabbage, romanesco, fennel, zucchini, eggplant , lettuce, garlic ...), old vegetables (artichoke, rutabaga, squash, parsnips, turnips, beets ...). All these products are sold under the brand name "Prince de Bretagne".