Consuming leafy vegetables helps boost muscle function
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Monday 29 March 2021
Eating these leafy greens can even build muscle strength regardless of any physical activity, said Dr Marc Sim (Photo:
A study has just revealed that the regular consumption of vegetables rich in nitrates, such as lettuce, spinach, kale stimulates muscle function. According to scientists, the strength of the lower limbs can increase by + 11% and the walking speed by + 4%.
The study conducted by researchers at ECU (Edith Cowan University) in Australia, published in the Journal of Nutrition, found that people who ate a diet high in nitrates, mainly from leafy vegetables, had muscle function in their lower limbs muscles significantly better than those that don't.
The team looked at data from 3,759 participants over a 12-year period, and the analysis found that those with the highest regular intake of nitrates, from leafy green vegetables, had 11% lower limbs stronger and 4% faster walking speed than people with the lowest nitrate intake.
The researchers admit that they don't know exactly how nitrates positively influence muscle function.
These leafy vegetables rich in nitrates, such as lettuce, spinach, kale are not popular vegetables, but scientists hope these results will encourage people to eat more. These leafy greens can even build muscle strength regardless of any physical activity, according to Dr. Marc Sim who led the study.
Noting that in Australia, less than 1 in 10 people eat the recommended 5-6 servings of vegetables per day. Dr Marc Sim recommends consuming at least 1 serving of leafy vegetables every day, which provide a range of vitamins and minerals essential for health.
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