A new edition of the Innovation Hubs Awards
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Monday 29 August 2022
All submitted entries will benefit from having their products displayed in Fruit Attraction's Innovation Hub, an innovative product exhibition space located in the hallway between halls 8 and 10, during the 3 days of the show (Photo: twitter /FruitAttraction).
For its next edition (04-06 October), the Fruit Attraction show is once again organizing the Innovation Hub Awards. Based on criteria of innovation, sustainability, applied technology and knowledge, these awards recognize the best product or service submitted by companies exhibiting at Fruit Attraction 2022.
These products or services must have been put on the market for the first time after September 1, 2021, and not have participated in previous editions of the Innovation Hubs Awards.
These Innovation Hubs Awards will be presented in the usual categories: Fresh Produce; F&V Industry; Sustainability and Commitment Actions. Each prize comes with a prize of 2,000 euros.
All submitted entries that meet the requirements will benefit from the display of their products in Fruit Attraction's Innovation Hub, an innovative product exhibition space located in the corridor between halls 8 and 10, during the 3 days of the show.
source : ifema es