The West African mango arrives in Europe
Monday 04 April 2022
The first arrivals by air are expected from April 6 or 7. During this campaign, which will last until mid-August, West Africa will become the leading supplier of mangoes to European countries (Photo: omer-decugis group).
The official opening of the 2022 campaign has been set in Côte d'Ivoire for April 5. The French company SIIM announces the 1st arrivals by air this week and the 1st arrival by boat from week 16.
SIIM is the leading exporter of mangoes in West Africa thanks to its 4 origins (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal). The official opening of the 2022 campaign has been set in Côte d'Ivoire for April 5. SIIM announces that the first arrivals by air of these Kent variety mangoes and packaged under the DIBRA brand are expected from April 6th or 7th.
The 1st ship arrives at the port of Antwerp (Belgium) on April 19, which will then make it possible to irrigate all of Europe.
During this campaign, which will last until mid-August, West Africa will become the leading supplier of mangoes to European countries. Prized by European consumers, the West African mango is recognized for its beautiful coloring and taste qualities. Juicy and not fibrous, it is deliciously sweet and melting.
This year, the climatic conditions were particularly adapted and favored abundant and homogeneous flowering for a 2022 vintage which looks promising.
In addition to its ranges and traditional packaging certified Global G.A.P, Rainforest Alliance and BSCI, SIIM announces for this 2022 campaign the development of its organic and organic Fairtrade mango offer.
source : Groupe Omer-Decugis & Cie