Asia has offset the shortfall in exports to Europe
Citrus exports to the EU , voluntarily limited since September , were offset by those to Asian markets.
CGA (Citrus Growers Association) , the organization of citrus growers , estimates that exports to the EU will be down by 14 % this year.This deficit comes from exports voluntarily limited since September 2014, following the measures taken by the EU vis-à -vis the parasite CBS (Citrus Black Spot) . These suspensions occurred during week 36 shortened 8 weeks period of seasonal peak in exports to Europe.
But exports to Asia increased by 29% this year, offsetting the shortfall in shipments to Europe.
Total citrus exports from South Africa this year will reach 1,630 million tonnes, slightly down compared to the initial estimates provided 1.730 million tonnes.
source : cga co za, gain fas usda gov