Honduran banana sector is recovering after the damages caused by tropical storms
The Honduran banana sector begins to recover after the damages caused by tropical storms, Eta and Iota, which affected Central America and parts of the Caribbean in 2020. The country's independent banana producers began to plant 4.000 thousand plants, reported Mauricio Guevara, the Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG).
The official confirmed that until December they will recover the total lost area of 2.500 hectares.
Guevara specified that the physiological cycle of bananas from planting to production lasts 9-11 months and said that the country will be ready to export bananas in the next year.
The minister said that Honduran companies and producers are true national heroes and together with the Government, they are going to reopen international markets so that bananas regain their potential.
He also informed that they work on technology transfer with Israel, which is expected to help the Honduran banana sector to face such challenges as Fusarium Race 4 and Sigatoka diseases.
source: latribuna.hn
photo: freshfruitportal.com