No exceptional harvest to be expected despite recent rains
United States
Monday 27 March 2017
In California, did the bees, in between periods of rain and wind, had sufficient time to pollinate the almond trees?
California almond producers estimate that recent rains that have ended the drought in the state do not necessarily lead to an exceptional harvest.
These professionals warn that these heavy rains may have disrupted pollination during the flowering period. A crucial period of a few weeks when bees must benefit from favorable climatic conditions to carry out this vital task. Wind and rain being not suitable at all.
It is still too early to establish reliable forecasts for the 2017 crop. However, optimistic producers expect a total of 2.3 billion pounds and pessimists on 2.0 billion pounds (1 pound = 0.453 kg). Last year the US crop was 2.15 billion pounds.
source : agrimoney com