Increase carrot production to reduce imports
Tuesday 07 March 2017
Increase carrot production to reduce spending on imported vegetables (Turkey, Iran).
Imports of carrots and other vegetables (from Turkey and Iran) represent significant expenditures for a region that consumed 86,881 metric tons of carrots, of which only 10% were produced locally.
After encouraging the production of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, the Ministry of Agriculture wants to develop the production of carrots. To meet demand while reducing imports.
Private sector initiatives are emerging, notably with ARD COMPANY, which has tested for the first time carrots seeds from the Netherlands. These seeds have proven to be well adapted to the local climate. The plantations covered 612 500 m2 spread over several zones (Erbil, Duhok, Sulaimani, Kirkuk). The yield is 8 to 10 tons on 2 500 m2 but it can reach 15 tons quickly.
ARD is preparing to plant another 325 000 m2 of carrots, in addition to the other productions (peppers, eggplants, melons, watermelons) already undertaken.
source : rudaw net